Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

First off, Yes! It was awesome and I loved it!
Now onto why I say this.

If you've been listening to what reviews say thus far, you've most likely heard, "Not as good as the first movie" or "Too much going on."

First off, lets not compare this to the first Iron Man movie.
Any good movie should be able to stand on its own.
Do you watch all the Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings, or Pirates of the Caribbean trilogies together every time? They should all be equally watchable and enjoyable.
That said, I don't know if it was as good as the first or not (cause I'm stilling coming down from the excitement!), but I came out of the movie with the same giddy feeling as I did the first.

Now addressing the thing about it being, too full of new characters and different plot lines.
If you're the type of person that likes the movie to be layed out so you don't have to think at all and you just get entertained, this isn't for you.
Yes, there are about three different plots in here to watch after, but they aren't completely seperate and they're not hard to follow at all.
By the time we reach the OH SO AWESOME climax of this movie, all the different plot line merge into one big event that is so much fun to watch! Everything and everyone come together to make a great ending to a great movie!

Two Thumbs up all the way!

My complaints and warnings: *SPOILERS BELOW*

  1. There were moments where Tony Stark acts like a complete idiot.
    I don't mean a how-did-you-not-see-that-coming-idiot. I mean a drunken doofus acting like a drunken doofus. Only lasted one scene, but ew...
  2. Warning for the kiddos that might want to see this.
    While there weren't any little sex scenes this time around, there were the dancers in there tiny little outfits, a picture of a girl in her underwear modeling, and a bunch of girls in skimpy outfits at a party.
    Also a scene where the main villain is sitting in nothing, but his underwear (cause he was just stripped of his suit and they wanted to show off his many tattoos), but this isn't that bad and doesn't last long.
  3. Boring court scene.
    You probably saw this in a couple of the trailers. Near the start of the movie there's a big scene where the Government demand that he had over his suit. Lots of technical and legal blah blah blah really early in the movie, but it ends on an enjoyable note.

And I'm going to spoil one last thing.


There's a great hint about what's to come.

Thanks for reading and I hope this was helpful. TTYL.

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